You may purchase any of the metal works for your patio or home by simply calling (682) 597-5030 between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm. We can quote you an estimate on whatever work you would like. Also remember, George is retired and sometimes the call of the golf course is stronger than the desire to weld or cut metal.

Remember, this is 100% custom work. The work is not 'fast' and generally there is a waiting time. Chrome work generally takes 4 weeks but on a custom pit or smoker, it really highlights and shows off the pit or smoker. We also have chromed metal butterflies, state of Texas cuts, the Texas Longhorn and Texas Star in a circle.

Shipping and or delivery is not included, but we'll do our best to get your custom pieces to you in the most cost effective manner.

Checks, money orders or cash only! We are not a big operation....yet!